March 1967, London

Aretha’s “I Never Loved A Man” LP is on full blast in my bedroom above the fish & chip shop my Dad manages in Fulham where we live. I discover that being in a relationship is very different from the romantic love songs that have fueled my teenage years: Aretha’s new album is closer to what I’m experiencing with 1st boyfriend Franklin. It’s ‘Drown In My Own Tears’ and particularly ‘Save Me’ reflecting what I’m going through with Franklin, who is a good five or six years older than me and of course, Aretha’s immortal makeover of Otis Redding’s “Respect” echoes in my ears for days and days…

The opening lyric line of the LP’s brilliant title track, ‘You’re no good heartbreaker, you’re a liar and a cheat’ mirrors my experience with him as I discover when I arrive at his flat unexpectedly one Sunday afternoon to find him ‘hanging out’ with another young guy (memorable because of his ginger hair!) who Franklin explains is a ‘neighbour’. I might be naive in the ways of real life love relationships but I’m not stupid! Aretha’s music is providing solace and comfort as I realize that Franklin has more than a roving eye…