Thank you for visiting my website, where you can catch up on my latest activities!
You can find all the ongoing posts from my memoirs-in-progress – “The British Ambassador of Soul’s Diary” – as well as updates on what I’m up to in music as a recording artist and songwriter, poet and author…
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With soulful regards…
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To find out what is happening with the British Ambassador David Nathan

Thank you for visiting my website, where you can catch up on my latest activities!
You can find all the ongoing posts from my memoirs-in-progress – “The British Ambassador of Soul’s Diary” – as well as updates on what I’m up to in music as a recording artist and songwriter, poet and author…
Please feel free to check out the different sections of the site and join my mailing list!
With soulful regards…
Sign up for regular updates
To find out what is happening with the British Ambassador David Nathan

About David…
Established as a renowned expert, historian and award-winning music journalist and writer in the world of soul music with almost five decades of accomplishment, London-born global communicator David Nathan – the founder of SoulMusic.com – has consistently reinvented himself, ever-expanding and expressing his multi-faceted creativity through new and exciting possibilities.
“I’ve stepped up my game!” says the renowned R&B expert and award-winning writer – known throughout the music industry and beyond as ‘The British Ambassador of Soul’ – is referring to the natural evolution of his career from journalist, liner notes writer, reissue producer, media coach, broadcaster to singer, songwriter, record producer and poet.

About David…
Established as a renowned expert, historian and award-winning music journalist and writer in the world of soul music with almost five decades of accomplishment, London-born global communicator David Nathan – the founder of SoulMusic.com – has consistently reinvented himself, ever-expanding and expressing his multi-faceted creativity through new and exciting possibilities.
“I’ve stepped up my game!” says the renowned R&B expert and award-winning writer – known throughout the music industry and beyond as ‘The British Ambassador of Soul’ – is referring to the natural evolution of his career from journalist, liner notes writer, reissue producer, media coach, broadcaster to singer, songwriter, record producer and poet.